Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is one of those sequels that's easy to get into without having played the first entry. But for a game that can be described as Halo with an RPG-style progression and loot system, it can feel like a foreign experience even for shooter veterans. If this is your first time playing, here's what you should know to make the most of the first five or so hours in Destiny 2. Whether you're a seasoned Guardian or a newcomer joining the good fight against the Red Legion, Destiny 2 presents a few challenges early on that you'll need to overcome before you head out in the galaxy to rebuild your power and influence. There have been many changes to the core mechanics and systems of Destiny that will feel a bit strange to returning players, and not all of it is explained in depth for newcomers. To help you out, here are some essential Destiny 2 tips to get you fighting fit.
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